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Access Documentation

The following sections describe how to access other versions or forms of our documentation.

Supported Documentation

Starting with NKP 2.12, the NKP Documentation is hosted in the Nutanix Support Portal, which does not require a Nutanix Login.

Note: It is NOT necessary to register with the Nutanix Portal to see the full NKP Documentation set - all the relevant NKP documentation is Public. You can ignore the note at the top of the Nutanix portal that suggests you need to login.

However, because access to Release notes on the Nutanix portal requires a login, the NKP release notes are also available here on the D2iQ Help Center.

You can also access all the DKP 2.6->DKP 2.8 documentation at the D2iQ Help Center.

Archived Documentation

In accordance with our version support policy, we regularly archive older, unsupported versions of our documentation. At this time, this includes documentation for:

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