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NKP 2.12.1 Customer Incidents and Resolved Issues

The following resolved incidents are fixed or corrected in this release.

VCD e2e Tests Fail Consistently

Fixed an issue where the vSphere Flatcar e2e tests failed consistently because the VCD environment failed to create a load balancer for the control plane endpoint. NCN-101438

Calico 3.18.1 Support for NKP

NKP deploys Calico as the CNI implementation on most infrastructures. NKP 2.12 includes Calico 3.28.0 with a known issue that affects Linux distributions that run a variant of the Linux kernel version 5.4.0. For more information on the known issue, see . The following table displays the affected Linux distributions among the ones NKP supports:



Kernel Version


Ubuntu 18.04



Ubuntu 18.04



Ubuntu 20.04 LTS



Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


NKP 2.12.1 now supports Calico 3.18.1 where the affected clusters now have increased CPU utilization and increased log volume from Calico. NCN-102070

Issue with Kommander Upgrade for an Air-gapped Cluster

Fixed an issue where upgrading Kommander for an air-gapped cluster did not have the default catalog applications available to the clusters. NCN-102141

Missing vSphere CSI Images in Upstream NKP Releases

Fixed an issue where the all the vSphere CSI images were missing for all the upstream NKP releases.NCN-102653

Rook Ceph Exporter Pods do not have a Priority Class Name

Fixed an issue where the Rook Ceph exported pods in the Kommander namespace did not have a priority class name. NCN-102111

The prometheus-node-exporter instances are enabled without authentication or authorization.

Fixed an issue where the prometheus-node-exporter instances that are deployed by NKP when kube-prometheus-stack is enabled did not require any authentication or authorization and did not use the TLS protocol. NCN-101998

Cloud Controller Images are unavailable in Upstream NKP Releases

Fixed an issues where the cloud controller manager (CPI) images for vSphere were not available for all the upstream NKP releases due to a change in registry locations. NCN-102664

The Konvoy repository does not have kommander lifecyclehook

Fixed an issue where the Konvoy repository was not populated with the kommander lifecylehook manifests. NCN-101220

The vApp template in the VCD Test or Development Environment does not have the Required Volume

Fixed an issue where the vApp template created in the VCD Test or Development Environment had a root volume of 20 GB which is not enough to support Kommander installation. NCN-102098

Konvoy Credentials Plugin is not Notarized for the MacOS (Darwin) Binary

Fixed an issue where the Konvoy credentials was not notarized for the Darwin binary. NCN-101510

An Unauthorized Page is displayed on the Global View of Clusters Page

Fixed an issue where in the Global View of Cluster page, an unauthorized page was displayed if the first workspace was one of the management clusters. NCN-102455

Attaching Cluster Names with Less Than 63 Characters Fail

Fixed an issue where attaching a cluster names with less than 63 characters to a workspace failed. NCN-102028

Stale Project Name Labels are not Deleted

Fixed an issue where the previous project name label was still visible even after modifying it. NCN-102015

Creating an NKP Cluster during the CSI Setup Fails

Fixed an issue where creating an NKP cluster through the CLI during the CSI setup failed. NCN-102506

Missing NKP Identification Rules in NKP Insights

Fixed an issue where there were missing NKP identification rules in NKP Insights. NCN-102636

CAPI Controller Policy Update

The CAPI controller policy is updated with the required permissions. NCN-102113

Note: Ensure to update the CAPI controller policy before you perform any tests.

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