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Nova by Fairwinds adds the ability for the Insights engine to check the helm chart version of the current workload deployment. It scans the latest helm chart version available from the configured Helm repositories, and then sends a structural Insight alert if there is an issue. The alert details show an RCA and a solution to resolve the problem.

See DKP Insights Release Notes if you wish to know which Nova version is included in this release.

Enable or Disable Nova Insights

Edit the Service configuration:

  • Set the nova.enabled value to true

  • Set the helmRepositoryURLs to the URLs for the Helm repositories used by your workloads where you want Helm chart versions to be scanned.


  enabled: true

To modify an existing installation:

  • Select Workspace > Applications > DKP-Insights, and then Edit to modify an installation.

Frequency of Nova Scans

Nova runs every 37-minutes by default and uses the Cron syntax. You can change the default by editing the Service configuration with the following values:

  schedule: "@every 34m"

To modify an existing installation:

  • Select Workspace, Applications, DKP-Insights, and then Edit to modify an installation.

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