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DKP Insights 1.1.0 Features and Enhancements

Welcome to DKP Insights 1.1.0!

This release maintains compatibility and support for packages used in Insights.

Supported Kubernetes Versions

Insights supports the same Kubernetes version as the DKP platform.

Known Issues

CIS Benchmark Alerts

When running kube-bench analyses, Insights creates alerts for security-related issues based on the CIS Benchmark. In this release, some of these alerts are related to elements of clusters that were created with Konvoy, DKP’s provisioning tool.

For customers who require CIS Benchmark compliance, D2iQ provides a list of mitigations and explanations for clusters created with Konvoy. You can use these documented resources to either manually mitigate the issues, or better understand why these cannot be mitigated.

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