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Pluto by Fairwinds is a tool that scans Live Helm releases running in your cluster for deprecated Kubernetes API versions. It sends an alert about any deprecated apiVersions that are deployed in your Helm releases.

See DKP Insights Release Notes if you wish to know which Pluto version is included in this release.

Enable or Disable Pluto Insights

Enable or disable Helm release scanning with Pluto Insights, by editing the Service configuration with the following values:

  enabled: true

To modify an existing installation:

  • Select Workspace, Applications, DKP-Insights, and then Edit to modify an installation.

Frequency of Pluto Scans

Pluto scans run by default every 41 minutes and uses Cron syntax. You can change the default by editing the values of the Service configuration:

  schedule: "@every 41m"

To modify an existing installation:

  • Select Workspace, Applications, DKP-Insights, and then Edit to modify an installation.

Severities of Pluto Insights

Pluto Result

Insights Alert Level




Kubernetes API is scheduled to be removed in a future version of Kubernetes.



Kubernetes API has been removed in the current running version of Kubernetes.

Refer to Pluto’s official documentation for more information.

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